Web Developer Extraordinaire

Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript and more!

Responsive Web Design for the new age


High Grade CSS to meet all your demands


About Me

Lambda School Student

Full Stack Web Developer educated at Lambda School.

Knowledge in C++

Trained in elementary object oriented language processes.

IT Skills

Hardware and networking professional

Ever Expanding Language Base

Learning more and more languages everyday to help better serve you!

Lazy Fox HTML5 Landing page

Smooth Scroll and Gradient style

latest published

Card image cap

web design

Make your website with best web Tools.

21st jun 2016

Built using the latest web technologies like html5, css3, and jQuery, rest assured Sedna will look smashing on every device under the sun.

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Card image cap

web design

Make your website with best web Tools.

21st jun 2016

Built using the latest web technologies like html5, css3, and jQuery, rest assured Sedna will look smashing on every device under the sun.

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Card image cap

web design

Make your website with best web Tools.

21st jun 2016

Built using the latest web technologies like html5, css3, and jQuery, rest assured Sedna will look smashing on every device under the sun.

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in the press

24/7 Customer Support

Built using the latest web technologies like html5, css3, and jQuery, rest assured Sedna will look smashing on every device under the sun.Built using the latest web technologies like html5, css3, and jQuery, rest assured Sedna will look smashing on every device under the sun.

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